Gallery 2

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Elysium - Things That Fly

 Hi! Here's a kinda odd selection of images I did for Neill Blomkamp's Elysium, a fictional science movie I was lucky enough to contribute to. These are pics I found on the world's widest web so I hope I'm allowed to repost 'em. Along with my Weta Workshopian pals Aaron, Stu, Leri and Ben we created over three thousand images for Neill so hopefully at some point we can share more, some of them were pretty cool!
The top two are smuggler's shuttles, there was a pre-existing physical set built that these designs had to fit around.
Next one down is a not-quite-final design of Carlyle's Veyron-inspired shuttle and a look at  his pimp-esque chillin' chair. Was pretty cool that the Bugatti guys did a final pass on it.
After that is an early-ish sketch for the deportation shuttle and then the final design with a couple of paint options, was really pleased with how that came out.
There's some images of the Raven around that I did the exterior detailing and paint on but I'd feel like a dick posting them here cos the rad and iconic design I was painting over is by the very talented TyRuben Ellingson.

If I come across my droid and weapon stuff I'll post that stuff too. This was a rad film to work on, there were a lot of awesome briefs from Neill and heaps of amazing work generated by those ^^^ aforementioned a-holes, hopefully someday we'll get to show more of it.

Oh, here's a Fun Factoid™ - the registration/serial numbers on Kruger's RPG launcher, the smuggler's shuttles, deportation shuttle and Raven seen in the drawings and even in the final movie are the dates I painted 'em!
"That fact is neither fun nor oid. You are terrible."
Whoah! Chill dude!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "There's some images of the Raven around that I did the exterior detailing and paint on but I'd feel like a dick posting them here cos the rad and iconic design I was painting over is by the very talented TyRuben Ellingson."

    Horseshit. You're painting made that thing stinking cool. Only enhanced Ty's design. Throw up a cred to Ty and post that shit!

    I loved the paint job, the massive oryx on the side, 'effing iconic, man.

    Great work on all of these, I loved the design in this film.

    1. Too kind Doug, too kind!
      Now this is embarrassing - Leri did that rad oryx logo. I'd done dozens of options for that section, all of 'em scrapped. Leri comes along and BAM! Nails it! What a jerk.

    2. Hold on, let me wipe this egg off my face. Still dude, it's a gray model; or white because it's Sketchup; and you brought it to life. At any rate, your work on here and in the artbook (which everyone should pick up) is amazing.

  3. i love them graffitis on that ship :D

  4. Nice work, enjoyed seeing the concepts in action.
    One question - I see Leri's influences on the concepts, but never seen any concept that has only his credits. If I'll get the artbook, will I see anything?

    1. You will indeed! The art in there is mostly uncredited and has the signatures cropped off but you'll be able to spot his stuff. He's got a bunch of rad work in it, the guy has too many skillz

  5. Love the last set. All sorts of great ideas flying around there.

  6. Fictional science?
    Fictional - yes.
    Science - no.


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